Monday, May 18, 2020

Akron Children’s Hospital - 1555 Words

Study about Akron Children’s Hospital Executive Summary: In this paper, I will attempt to study the operation condition about Akron Children’s Hospital. First of all, I will briefly introduce the hospital’s basic information, including the beginning of its operation, its development process, and current situation. Then, we will focus on the Akron Children’s hospital’s current managerial problem. They want to by using the research to help them fix this problem. The research process is conducted by a professional management research company, who was called â€Å"Marcus Thomas LLC†. Their management research process could be separate into five hierarchy, and in every step, Akron hospital has a specific work to do, or they have a particular†¦show more content†¦The third step of research hierarchy is Research Questions. The Akron Children s Hospital should define the research questions such as whether they expand their service beyond the county, which means it will increase the number of the patient; and whether they can provide the higher technology equipment or higher-quality medically advanced care than their competitors. The forth step of management research hierarchy is Investigative Questions. The Akron Children s Hospital should research the questions such as â€Å"which hospital do the parents’ prefer to bring their children to, the nearest or the high-quality one?† or â€Å"Is the higher technology equipment and higher-quality hospital do real attract the patients who in the distance?† The last step in management research hierarchy is Measurement Questions. The Akron Children s Hospital could list many factors that patients are possible care about, such as â€Å"How important you think it is that a hospital has many high-technology equipment, from 1 star to 5 stars.†, â€Å"How important you think it is that a hospital can provide the most medically advanced care, from 1 star to 5 stars.†, or â€Å"How important you think it is that a hospital hold the most and the best medical staffs, from 1 star to 5 stars.† Advantages and Disadvantages for This Research: Obviously, each study has both advantages and disadvantages involved. The advantage is that from observation, analyzing and studying theShow MoreRelatedAkron Childrens Hospital650 Words   |  3 Pagesmanagement-research question hierarchy for Akron Children’s Hospital? The management research hierarchy for Akron Children’s Hospital includes: Discover the Management Dilemma: Akron’s Children’s Hospital felt the need to distinguish itself from the other prominent pediatric hospitals in the Northeastern Ohio area: Akron Children’s wanted to be the top pediatric hospital choice in Akron and the surrounding counties. Define the Management Question: How can we (Akron Children’s) convince the public, orRead MoreAkron Childrens Hospital687 Words   |  3 PagesCase Study: Akron Children’s Hospital 1) What is the management-research question hierarchy for Akron Children’s Hospital? a. Management Dilemma- Step 1 is identifying the management dilemma. The dilemma that the hospital faces is how to increase the bed-occupancy rate and what can the hospital do to gain more business than its competitors. b. Management Question- Step 2 is how to differentiate itself and step out of the shadow of its competitors. c. 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What topics should be discussed in what order? * How do children parents decide which hospital to take their children to, when their children need acute care? * Is the quality of service a factor on their decision * Is the financing a determine factor? * Is their decision driven simply by emotion? b. What pre tasking exercises might be relevant? Ask the people who are participating in the focus groupRead MoreBusiness Research Analysis: Determining the Best Positioning Strategy for Akron Childrens Hospital667 Words   |  3 PagesPositioning Strategy for Akron Childrens Hospital Submitted for MKT 611 Business Research Analysis Professor Lance Mowrey By: Lauren M. Middleton November 2nd, 2014 1. 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